Bookmarks and Filter menus displaced in 2-0.9.0
2013-09-30 16:49:10 UTC
As I mentioned recently in another thread, I have just jumped from 2-0.8.1 to
2-0.9.0. Since upgrading the right pane bookmarks and filter rules dropdown
menus do not appear under their respective icons, but show up in the left pane
instead. I wondered if it was a theme issue, but a test with an unthemed user
(screenshot attached), has the same problem. The screenshot illustrates a the
result of a click on the right pane bookmarks icon.

Steven P. Ulrick
2013-09-30 17:55:56 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:49:10 +0100
Post by Geoff
As I mentioned recently in another thread, I have just jumped from
2-0.8.1 to 2-0.9.0. Since upgrading the right pane bookmarks and
filter rules dropdown menus do not appear under their respective
icons, but show up in the left pane instead. I wondered if it was a
theme issue, but a test with an unthemed user (screenshot attached),
has the same problem. The screenshot illustrates a the result of a
click on the right pane bookmarks icon.
Same here. Emelfm2 0.9.0 on Fedora 19

Steven P. Ulrick
Liviu Andronic
2013-09-30 17:59:42 UTC
Post by Steven P. Ulrick
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:49:10 +0100
Post by Geoff
As I mentioned recently in another thread, I have just jumped from
2-0.8.1 to 2-0.9.0. Since upgrading the right pane bookmarks and
filter rules dropdown menus do not appear under their respective
icons, but show up in the left pane instead. I wondered if it was a
theme issue, but a test with an unthemed user (screenshot attached),
has the same problem. The screenshot illustrates a the result of a
click on the right pane bookmarks icon.
Same here. Emelfm2 0.9.0 on Fedora 19
No problem here. emelfm2 0.9.0 on Xubuntu Precise.
2013-10-01 03:16:17 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:59:42 +0200
Post by Liviu Andronic
Post by Steven P. Ulrick
On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:49:10 +0100
Post by Geoff
As I mentioned recently in another thread, I have just jumped from
2-0.8.1 to 2-0.9.0. Since upgrading the right pane bookmarks and
filter rules dropdown menus do not appear under their respective
icons, but show up in the left pane instead. I wondered if it was a
theme issue, but a test with an unthemed user (screenshot attached),
has the same problem. The screenshot illustrates a the result of a
click on the right pane bookmarks icon.
Same here. Emelfm2 0.9.0 on Fedora 19
No problem here. emelfm2 0.9.0 on Xubuntu Precise.
Gtk 3.4 deprecates the GtkHandleBox widget, so recent emelFM2's, when built for 3.4+, substitute an ordinary GtkBox to contain each toolbar.

As we now see, the algorithm for determining button-position needs to be different for items in a GtkBox, though there's no obvious reason why so.

I'll look for a fix ASAP.

2013-10-02 11:34:12 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2013 13:16:17 +1000
Post by t***@onepost.net
Gtk 3.4 deprecates the GtkHandleBox widget, so recent emelFM2's, when built for 3.4+, substitute an ordinary GtkBox to contain each toolbar.
As we now see, the algorithm for determining button-position needs to be different for items in a GtkBox, though there's no obvious reason why so.
I'll look for a fix ASAP.
On close inspection, it's hard to decide whether the 'culprit' is gtk2 or gtk3.

Anyhow, there's no elegant way of fixing the problem on gtk3, so I've done a bit of a hack, which seems to work ok. Along the way, I fixed the popup-menu-position for detached toolbars on gtk2 and disabled toolbar handleboxes for all versions of gtk3. BTW, the user can still right-click where the handle used to be, to show the context menu. Code now in svn.

2013-10-02 18:33:22 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 21:34:12 +1000
Post by t***@onepost.net
Code now in svn.
Works for me.

