Emelfm2 window title selection
Adam Krolnik
2014-02-13 15:55:10 UTC
Hi Tom;

I made a patch for a feature I've wanted a while ago - the ability to set
window title based on the directory. I also added a config pane (general)
selector for where the title comes from (fixed, pane1, pane2)

Here's the patch. It applies to the latest svn version (but you have to
give the filenames.)

Thanks for all the work on emelfm2.
Adam Krolnik
Liviu Andronic
2014-02-13 23:49:18 UTC
Post by Adam Krolnik
Hi Tom;
I made a patch for a feature I've wanted a while ago - the ability to set
window title based on the directory. I also added a config pane (general)
selector for where the title comes from (fixed, pane1, pane2)
Here's the patch. It applies to the latest svn version (but you have to give
the filenames.)
Does the patch also include the user of the emelFM2 window? Here I
often have trouble distinguishing whether the window is owned by
'user' or 'root'.

Post by Adam Krolnik
Thanks for all the work on emelfm2.
Adam Krolnik
Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?
Adam Krolnik
2014-02-14 03:05:50 UTC
Hello Liviu;

No, I only used the directory of the pane (1 or 2).
Post by Liviu Andronic
Post by Adam Krolnik
Hi Tom;
I made a patch for a feature I've wanted a while ago - the ability to set
window title based on the directory. I also added a config pane (general)
selector for where the title comes from (fixed, pane1, pane2)
Here's the patch. It applies to the latest svn version (but you have to
Post by Adam Krolnik
the filenames.)
Does the patch also include the user of the emelFM2 window? Here I
often have trouble distinguishing whether the window is owned by
'user' or 'root'.
Post by Adam Krolnik
Thanks for all the work on emelfm2.
Adam Krolnik
Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?
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Adam Krolnik
2014-02-15 00:57:28 UTC
On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:55:10 -0600
Post by Adam Krolnik
I made a patch for a feature I've wanted a while ago - the ability to set
window title based on the directory. I also added a config pane (general)
selector for where the title comes from (fixed, pane1, pane2)
Here's the patch. It applies to the latest svn version (but you have to
give the filenames.)
OK, I've implemented your idea, though not in precisely the same way.

One extra choice is 'active pane dir', and the title is updated after successful cd, not before. Also after changing that option via a config dialog.

Extra strings will not be translated for this release.

Adam Krolnik
2014-04-08 20:11:19 UTC
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<body bgcolor="#99FFFF" text="#000000">
Hi Tom;<br>
I was trying to set the End key to go to the bottom of the output
pane. It doesn't seem to accept this key.<br>
I noticed the 'command line' is under the 'main' section. But the
'output' section is separate and empty.<br>
Also, the existing bindings
(&lt;shift&gt;Page_Up/&lt;shift&gt;Page_Down don't work as defined.<br>
I thought this worked before and I had used it, but I must be
missing something.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="85">--
Soli Deo Gloria
Adam Krolnik
Director of Design Verification
VeriSilicon Inc.
Plano TX. 75074
Co-author "Assertion-Based Design", "Creating Assertion-Based IP"
Adam Krolnik
2014-07-21 15:16:01 UTC
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#99FFFF">
Hi Tom;<br>
I noticed that the auto-selection characters are not working as
expected. I set this string<br>
of characters: !"#$%&amp;'()*+,:;&lt;=&gt;?@[\]^`{|}&nbsp; so I could
select entire file paths<br>
with a single double click.&nbsp; Paths like this:<br>
However the selection seems to be bounded by / and by alpha and
number boundaries. I.e.<br>
click on AS on the RASP section and you only get RASP selected.
click on the 19 in 8192 and only<br>
get 8192 selected.<br>
What do you get ?<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="85">--
Soli Deo Gloria
Adam Krolnik
Director of Design Verification
VeriSilicon Inc.
Plano TX. 75074
Co-author "Assertion-Based Design", "Creating Assertion-Based IP"
