emelfm2-svn problems
2013-11-12 13:36:16 UTC

I tried latest svn code today and found some glitches:
1/ e2 hangs when closing Edit filetypes dialog, with (x) or "Commit" or
"Discard" buttons. Output attached;
2/ when starting e2 with "emelfm2 --one=/ --two=~/Downloads" command,
there is message in output pane - "Cannot
access /home/serge/~/Downloads, going to /home/serge instead";
3/ when starting e2 with --one= --two=, panes position doesn't restored.

Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2013-11-13 02:23:01 UTC
On Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:36:16 +0400
Serge <***@bk.ru> wrote:

Thanks Serge.
Post by Serge
1/ e2 hangs when closing Edit filetypes dialog, with (x) or "Commit" or
"Discard" buttons. Output attached;
Now fixed. For the technically-inclined, I've finally flipped the switch to use glib's 'slice' mechanism for allocating most blocks of memory. In a couple of cases, the corresponding cleanup still used simple free(). Hopefully this is the last of those.
Post by Serge
2/ when starting e2 with "emelfm2 --one=/ --two=~/Downloads" command,
there is message in output pane - "Cannot
access /home/serge/~/Downloads, going to /home/serge instead";
Processing -1 and -2 (and simple DIR) options now involves the same path-string interpretation as is used for changing directory. I've added 'minimal' path-interpretation for -c and -t options, so inclusions like ".." or "~" are ok, but don't expect things like $HOME/Trash to work.
Post by Serge
3/ when starting e2 with --one= --two=, panes position doesn't restored.
It's assumed that if you specify a directory, you want to see it, so the panes-divider is moved accordingly. To now, the visible proportion was fairly substantial, but I've now changed to 0.1 minimum for whichever pane is specified. The divider will not be shifted as often or as much.

2013-11-13 16:10:32 UTC
On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:23:01 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
Now fixed.
Thank you very much. I will use e2 svn
for now. I don't see any disadvantages compare to release version.
And some minor non critical glitch) -
when file.find dialog popped, mouse cursor changed to "busy" when
hovering over main window.
And, dialog elements appears after a half of
second; the same with "%{}" dialogs.
Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2013-11-14 08:19:00 UTC
On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:10:32 +0400
Post by Serge
And some minor non critical glitch) -
when file.find dialog popped, mouse cursor changed to "busy" when
hovering over main window.
And, dialog elements appears after a half of
second; the same with "%{}" dialogs.
Have a nice day.
The cursor should change only while searching is underway.

As for slow display of dialog contents, that doesn't affect everyone. However I've tweaked the dialogs, specifically to release the 'display-mutex' while the dialogs' contents (widgets) are being created. In principle, it's good to release this lock when not needed, however past experience suggests this is not risk-free. Gtk's access to the backend library (xlib) is undocumented. The choices are to keep the lock closed (safer but slower), or trace every library call right down to its bitter end (I've done some of that for other dialogs and un-explained random crashes in the past), or trial-and-error. Typically e2 uses a bit of each of these approaches, and for these dialogs now, more emphasis on experiment.

Please test and advise. Gtk3 behaviour may be different from gtk2.

2013-11-14 11:57:20 UTC

On Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:19:00 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
The cursor should change only while searching is underway.
No, cursor changed to busy instantly when dialog popups.
Post by t***@onepost.net
Please test and advise. Gtk3 behaviour may be different from gtk2.
Still the same. User input, configure, for each, glob and file.find are
I use gtk2 DE (Xfce). Gtk3 is unneeded thing)
Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2013-11-15 00:57:56 UTC
On Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:57:20 +0400
Post by Serge
Post by t***@onepost.net
The cursor should change only while searching is underway.
No, cursor changed to busy instantly when dialog popups.
Ah, I was thinking of the plugin find action, not the regular one.
Post by Serge
Still the same. User input, configure, for each, glob and file.find are
I've reverted a small change from a while ago, which may help. I have to guess, as it makes no difference here.

2013-11-16 06:15:19 UTC

Some more problems:

1/ plugin.pack doesn't work correctly with 7z -
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989)
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989) returned '2'
I think command must be "7za a -t7z build.7z build"

2/ plugin.unpack doesn't refresh directory after long extraction,
showing just empty filelist; i need to execute panes.refresh after

3/ Another warning -
(emelfm2:25943): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to
error parsing markup: Error on line 1: Entity did not end with a
semicolon; most likely you used an ampersand character without
intending to start an entity - escape ampersand as &amp;
Happens with right mouse click on any file in filelist.

And just suggestions -
1/ i think old e2 icon is better then new one)
Habitual. e2 is e2.
2/ can you please add "copy" entry to edit and output pane context
menus? (like in view)
I can use ctrl+c but always clicking by right
mouse button before that)

Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2013-11-17 11:20:08 UTC
On Sat, 16 Nov 2013 10:15:19 +0400
Post by Serge
1/ plugin.pack doesn't work correctly with 7z -
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989)
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989) returned '2'
I think command must be "7za a -t7z build.7z build"
The 7za documentation is vague about creation of new archives. The pack command used to be of the form you've suggested, but was changed - and I don't recall exactly why so. Possibly duplication of items in the archive? Anyhow, it's back to that now. See what happens.
Post by Serge
2/ plugin.unpack doesn't refresh directory after long extraction,
showing just empty filelist; i need to execute panes.refresh after
Added an explicit refresh request.
Post by Serge
3/ Another warning -
(emelfm2:25943): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to
error parsing markup: Error on line 1: Entity did not end with a
semicolon; most likely you used an ampersand character without
intending to start an entity - escape ampersand as &amp;
Happens with right mouse click on any file in filelist.
The default contents of a context menu have minimal markup (just the red-color for the 'delete' label). What's the content of yours?
Post by Serge
And just suggestions -
1/ i think old e2 icon is better then new one)
Habitual. e2 is e2.
Stylised "e2" or stylised "2e's" ?
Post by Serge
2/ can you please add "copy" entry to edit and output pane context
menus? (like in view)
I can use ctrl+c but always clicking by right
mouse button before that)
No problem for the output pane menu. As in the case of the viewer, copying isn't a particularly 'core' operation there, and users may benefit from a reminder that the functionality exists. But for the editor ? Copying is fundamental. Also, there's quite a bunch of things that could be put in an editor menu, and where would we stop? Also add cut? Paste? ....

Kyrill Detinov
2013-11-17 15:56:19 UTC
Post by t***@onepost.net
Post by Serge
1/ plugin.pack doesn't work correctly with 7z -
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989)
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989) returned '2'
I think command must be "7za a -t7z build.7z build"
The 7za documentation is vague about creation of new archives. The
pack command used to be of the form you've suggested, but was changed
- and I don't recall exactly why so. Possibly duplication of items in
the archive? Anyhow, it's back to that now. See what happens.
Was discussed ages ago:
And 7z compressing is still unusable.
2013-11-20 22:08:00 UTC
On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:56:19 +0400
Post by Kyrill Detinov
Post by t***@onepost.net
Post by Serge
1/ plugin.pack doesn't work correctly with 7z -
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989)
sh>7za a -t7z "build" > "build.7z" (2989) returned '2'
I think command must be "7za a -t7z build.7z build"
The 7za documentation is vague about creation of new archives. The
pack command used to be of the form you've suggested, but was changed
- and I don't recall exactly why so. Possibly duplication of items in
the archive? Anyhow, it's back to that now. See what happens.
And 7z compressing is still unusable.
So there's a choice to be made:

1. tar everything selected, before adding the tarball to the 7z archive

2. tar everything selected if any dir is selected, before adding to archive

3. tar any selected dir, before adding all items to archive

ATM (having been changed a week or so ago), option 2 is used.

I suppose any tar involvement makes it less portable than we might want.

Charles A Edwards
2013-11-20 23:22:34 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:08:00 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
Post by Kyrill Detinov
Post by t***@onepost.net
The 7za documentation is vague about creation of new archives. The
pack command used to be of the form you've suggested, but was changed
- and I don't recall exactly why so. Possibly duplication of
items in the archive? Anyhow, it's back to that now. See what
And 7z compressing is still unusable.
1. tar everything selected, before adding the tarball to the 7z archive
2. tar everything selected if any dir is selected, before adding to archive
3. tar any selected dir, before adding all items to archive
ATM (having been changed a week or so ago), option 2 is used.
I suppose any tar involvement makes it less portable than we might want.
It is recommended that if tar is to be used/involved then lzma/xz
should be used rather than 7z as both lzma/xz are supported in tar
whereas 7z Is Not.

(and no I did not just pull that out of my ass....
see the Limitations section here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7z)

As now implemented in emelfm2 using 7z on the directory /Documents
uses sh>tar cvf - "Documents" | 7za a -t7z -si "Documents.7z"

Creating archive Documents.7z

Compressing [Content]

Everything is Ok
sh>tar cvf - "Documents" | 7za a -t7z -si "Documents.7z" (23497)
sh>returned '0'

If I then unpack that archive
Processing archive: /home/charles/Notebooks/Documents.7z

Extracting Documents

Everything is Ok

Size: 117135360
Compressed: 109667665
Post by t***@onepost.net
7za x "/home/charles/Notebooks/Documents.7z" (30960) returned '0'
The problem here is that the Document that was extracted Is Not a
directory but a tar archive which Must be renamed Document.tar which
Only then can be extracted as the directory /Documents

It would be my preference/recommendation that directories be treated
the same as files with 7z and also use
">7za a -t7z %%f > %s"

If the user wants/needs to use tar he can choose 1 of the other tar
supported formats available in emelfm2, personally I use tar.xz for all

It's the thought, if any, that counts!
Mageia release 4 (Cauldron) for x86_64$
On SuperSize....http://www.eslrahc.com
Registered Linux user #182463
3.12.0-server-3.mga4 x86_64
2013-11-21 03:54:37 UTC
On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:22:34 -0500
Post by Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:08:00 +1100
The problem here is that the Document that was extracted Is Not a
directory but a tar archive which Must be renamed Document.tar which
Only then can be extracted as the directory /Documents
You're right, that's bad.

The plugin is now updated to show an error message then abort, if directory(ies) selected.

2013-11-21 05:35:09 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:54:37 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:22:34 -0500
Post by Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:08:00 +1100
The problem here is that the Document that was extracted Is Not a
directory but a tar archive which Must be renamed Document.tar which
Only then can be extracted as the directory /Documents
You're right, that's bad.
The plugin is now updated to show an error message then abort, if directory(ies) selected.
I can use 7za without problems. Directories are properly packed and
extracted. Sample output attached.
Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64
Charles A Edwards
2013-11-21 08:41:48 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:35:09 +0400
Post by Serge
Post by t***@onepost.net
Post by Charles A Edwards
The problem here is that the Document that was extracted Is Not a
directory but a tar archive which Must be renamed Document.tar
which Only then can be extracted as the directory /Documents
You're right, that's bad.
The plugin is now updated to show an error message then abort, if
directory(ies) selected.
I can use 7za without problems. Directories are properly packed and
extracted. Sample output attached.
Have a nice day.
You are not using a fresh enough svn version.
On are about svn2957 using 7z for directory compression was changed
sh>tar cvf - "Qt" | 7za a -t7z -si "Qt.7z"

your copy is still using the older
Post by Serge
7za a -t7z "Qt".7z "Qt"
The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid
prejudice. -- Mark Twain
Mageia release 4 (Cauldron) for x86_64$
On SuperSize....http://www.eslrahc.com
Registered Linux user #182463
3.12.0-server-3.mga4 x86_64
2013-11-21 10:03:53 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:41:48 -0500
Post by Charles A Edwards
You are not using a fresh enough svn version.
On are about svn2957 using 7z for directory compression was changed
sh>tar cvf - "Qt" | 7za a -t7z -si "Qt.7z"
your copy is still using the older
Post by Serge
7za a -t7z "Qt".7z "Qt"
I have 2968.
Output not from plugin.pack.
'7za a -t7z <name>.7z <name>' is working okay for dirs.
But in latest version impossible to pack dirs with 7z-
"This type of archive doesn't handle directories properly"
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64
2013-11-21 21:03:43 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:03:53 +0400
Post by Serge
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:41:48 -0500
Post by Charles A Edwards
You are not using a fresh enough svn version.
On are about svn2957 using 7z for directory compression was changed
sh>tar cvf - "Qt" | 7za a -t7z -si "Qt.7z"
your copy is still using the older
Post by Serge
7za a -t7z "Qt".7z "Qt"
I have 2968.
Output not from plugin.pack.
'7za a -t7z <name>.7z <name>' is working okay for dirs.
But in latest version impossible to pack dirs with 7z-
"This type of archive doesn't handle directories properly"
It seems that old documentation has led me astray e.g. from man 7za (dated 2006)

On Linux/Unix, in order to backup directories you must use tar :
- to backup a directory : tar cf - directory | 7za a -si directory.tar.7z

But current online info, and Serge's experience, suggests that adding dir(s) to an archive is transparently supported (or -r can be used for specific filetypes in a dir).

So, now back to where we were a few iterations ago.


Charles A Edwards
2013-11-21 08:58:22 UTC
On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:54:37 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
Post by Charles A Edwards
The problem here is that the Document that was extracted Is Not a
directory but a tar archive which Must be renamed Document.tar which
Only then can be extracted as the directory /Documents
You're right, that's bad.
The plugin is now updated to show an error message then abort, if directory(ies) selected.
Fine by me.

But, there's always a butt isn't there.

The following compression/extraction do work if using 7z with tar.

For compression of the directory Pictures:
tar cvf Pictures.tar Pictures | 7za a -t7z Pictures.tar.7z Pictures.tar

For extraction of Pictures.tar.7z:
7za x Pictures.tar.7z && tar -xf Pictures.tar

If you are wondering a pipe will not work for extraction.

Whether you want to mess with it any more is entirely up to you and
I'm good with whichever way you go.

High heels are a device invented by a woman who was tired of being
kissed on the forehead.
Mageia release 4 (Cauldron) for x86_64$
On SuperSize....http://www.eslrahc.com
Registered Linux user #182463
3.12.0-server-3.mga4 x86_64
2013-11-18 08:16:27 UTC
On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:20:08 +1100
Post by t***@onepost.net
The 7za documentation is vague about creation of new archives. The
pack command used to be of the form you've suggested, but was changed
- and I don't recall exactly why so. Possibly duplication of items in
the archive? Anyhow, it's back to that now. See what happens.
Working like a charm now, thanks.
Post by t***@onepost.net
Added an explicit refresh request.
Doesn't work with small archives now. With big archives sometimes
works, sometimes empty list.
Post by t***@onepost.net
The default contents of a context menu have minimal markup (just the
red-color for the 'delete' label). What's the content of yours?
Ooops, this is just pure '&' in context menu entries. My mistake, sorry.
Post by t***@onepost.net
Stylised "e2" or stylised "2e's" ?
Post by t***@onepost.net
Also add cut? Paste? ....
Good idea)

Today i tried to build e2 with WITH_THUMBS 1.
There is a glitch with very long filenames in small dialog window -

Can you add an option to disable filenames in thumbs list?
Or/and to shrink them like "blabla...blabla.ext"
And, command "filelist.thumbs" doesn't work -
"Command 'filelist.thumbs' - No such file or directory"
Which command i need for button or context menu entry?

Have a nice day.
Claws Mail version 3.8.1
Linux debian 3.2.0-4-rt-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64